Those who understand art, understand how to support it

The investor is the owner of the instrument. He has a real asset which has the potential of increasing in value.

Investment driven only by passion? The music-loving investor not only purchases the instrument out of passion for art, but also as a real asset.

Merito Info Merito Info
  1. Returns in GBP, for Austria in EUR
  2. Data for Austria until 2013
  3. Violins: 2,5 % between 1900-2012; 4,3% between 1850-2008

Source: E. Dimson and Ch. Spaenjers (2013), P. Eichholtz, Kathryn Graddy and Philip E. Margolis (2011)

Merito SIT guarantees professional support during the purchase and provides subsequent day to day administration. The investor has the chance to witness and accompany the development of the artist firsthand.